Monday, November 9, 2015

Olgr Design

 *right click and open link in new tab to see image at larger size*

 With the sketch booklet out of the way I can finally put a post file together for this guy!

His armor was designed to look a tad more agile than the last character's design, which I accomplished by making the larger pieces a bit more flush. Ironically, after spending time designing out a really cool sword, I ended up using the placeholder sword from the initial sketch; it gave the design a visual area of rest, whereas the cool sword was too detailed and didn't leave a place for the viewer's eyes to settle (see the second image down). I also did a couple touch-ups to the the helmet of the last character, so I might as well repost that design too (bottom image). Cheers!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sketch Booklets and Ron/Snape Sketches!

*right click and open link in new tab to see image at larger size*
  Today is a most excellent day! My sketch booklets for ctn arrived after a grueling week and a half of sorting out a year's work. The print quality is good--just a little darker than the original files were! I got them through MagCloud with Bridgit Underwood's recommendation. Thanks!
  In celebration of coming out of the cave I've been holed up in, here are some Harry Potter themed sketches! Different stylizations of Ron on top, and Snape on the bottom! 
~Here are the sketch booklets~